all postcodes in TR1 / ST. AGNES

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR1 9AG 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9AZ 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9BA 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9BD 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9BF 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9BL 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9DA 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9DH 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9EQ 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9EX 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9DP 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9FH 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9FN 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9GE 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9GH 1 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9GL 1 50.25527 -5.046154
TR1 9GP 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9HA 0 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9HE 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR1 9HJ 1 50.255282 -5.046106